Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - E
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Dictionary phrases starting with 'E':
769 matching phrases foundPage 6 of 8
- eternity personified
- ethical
- ethics
- etui case
- eunuch
- evacuate
- evacuation
- evade a calamity
- evade a clamityd
- even
- even as
- even though
- even-handed justice
- even-tempered
- evening
- evening bread
- evening meal
- event
- event that causes sorrow
- eventide
- events
- ever and ever
- ever-lasting god who
- everlasting
- everlasting bread eaten by the blessed
- Everlasting fire
- everlasting for ever
- everlasting god who
- Everlasting House - a name of Denderah
- everlasting inscriptions
- everlasting prince
- Everlasting Ra
- everlasting remembrance
- everlasting soul
- everlastingly
- everlastingness
- everliving
- everthing which is
- every
- every bad thing
- every day
- every eye
- every good thing
- every hour
- every kind of business
- every matter
- every nose
- every one
- every one on his land
- every particular
- every person is the image of his brother
- every place
- every sort or kind
- every time
- every time he riseth
- everybody
- everybody is like his neighbor
- everybody's business or affairs
- everyone
- everyone who
- everything
- everything of the very best
- everywhere
- evidence
- evident
- evidently
- evil
- evil allies
- evil beings
- evil beings or things
- evil deeds
- evil destiny
- evil doer
- evil glance
- evil growth
- evil hap
- evil man
- evil men
- evil odor
- evil one
- evil ones
- evil or shameful deeds
- evil person or thing
- evil personified
- evil plight
- evil remembrance
- evil report
- evil spirit
- evil thing
- evil things or words
- evil word
- evil-doer
- evil-doers
- evil-goer
- evil-hearted
- evil-hearted man
- evil-natured
- evildoer
- evilly disposed men
- evils