Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - E
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | E
Dictionary phrases starting with 'E':
769 matching phrases foundPage 2 of 8
- edict of a Council
- edicts
- edicts for slaughter
- edicts of a Council
- edit a text
- edition
- Edom
- Edomite
- educate
- educated man
- education
- eel
- efface
- effaced
- effect
- effect something
- effect transformations
- effective
- effeminacy
- efficient
- effigy
- efflux
- effluxes
- effusion
- egg
- eggs
- Egypt
- Egyptian
- Egyptian literature
- Egyptian sailors
- Egyptian women
- Egyptians
- eight
- eight leagues of slaughter
- eight vessel
- eight-thread cloth
- eighteen
- eighth
- eighty
- Eileithyiaspolis
- either in the round
- eject anything from the body
- eject fluid
- eject from the body
- eject moisture
- eject seed
- eject something from a case
- El Kab
- Elam
- elbow
- elder
- elderly
- elders
- eldest
- eldest born
- eldest of the priest's college
- eldest son
- eldest sons
- eldest+
- eldests
- elect
- elemental god
- elephant
- elephant grass
- Elephantine
- elephants
- elevate
- elevated
- elevates
- elevating
- elevation
- Elieithyiaspolis
- eliminate
- eliminated
- eliminates
- eliminating
- elimination
- elipse
- elipses
- eloquent
- emanation
- emanations
- embalm
- embalm a body
- embalm a dead body
- embalmed
- embalmed bodies
- embalmed body
- embalmer
- embalmers
- embalming
- embalming chamber
- embalms
- embank
- embankment
- embarcation
- embark
- embark in a boat
- embassy
- embellish