Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - A
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Dictionary phrases starting with 'A':
1437 matching phrases foundPage 3 of 15
- accepting
- accepts
- access
- accessed
- accesses
- accessing
- Accho or Ptolemais
- accident
- acclaim
- acclaimation
- acclaimed
- acclaiming
- acclaims
- acclamation
- acclamations
- accompanied
- accompanies
- accompany
- accompanying
- accomplish
- accomplished
- accomplishes
- accomplishing
- accord
- according as
- according to
- according to our wish
- according to that which
- according to the amount of
- according to the likeness
- account
- account holy
- accountant
- accountant's office
- accountrements
- accounts
- accpeting
- accrue
- accrued
- accrues
- accruing
- accumulate
- accumulated
- accumulates
- accumulating
- accuracy
- accurate
- accurately
- accursed
- accursed heir
- accursed name
- accursed offspring
- accusation
- accusation of a plaintiff
- accuse
- Achaemenes
- achieve
- achieved
- achieves
- achieving
- acquaintance
- acquaintances
- acquainted with
- acquire
- acquire wealth
- acquitted with you
- acre
- acreage
- acreages
- acres
- acrobat
- acrobats
- act
- act a man's part
- act as a defender or advocate for some one
- act as a deputy
- act as a fowler
- act as a guide
- act as a protector behind someone
- act as a scribe
- act as a wall to someone
- act as a youth
- act as an enemy
- act as captain
- act as deputy
- act as pilot or guide
- act gently or slowly
- act in a lordly manner
- act of being
- act of grace
- act the part of a husband
- act the part of a male
- act unjustly
- act violently
- act wisely or honorably
- act with decision
- act with great prudence
- act with partiality
- act with perversity
- act with severity or violence