Egyptian Hieroglyphics Dictionary - A
Dictionaries | Egyptian Hieroglyphics | Index | A
Dictionary phrases starting with 'A':
1437 matching phrases foundPage 15 of 15
- Avaris
- avenger
- avenging gods and fiends
- avenue
- avenue of trees in a garden
- avenues
- avert ill luck
- aviaries
- aviary
- avoid
- awake
- awaken
- awakened
- awakes
- awaking
- award
- away from
- away from a person or place
- awe
- awed
- awes
- awesome
- awful
- awing
- awning
- awning on a boat
- awnings
- awoke
- awoken
- ax
- axe
- axe men
- axe-god
- axe-god or goddess
- axes
- axle
- axles